The Hotel Today

The current 152 bedroom hotel is affected by the numerous extensions and alterations of the past, creating an inefficient layout with many underutilised or oversized areas within the hotel and its wider grounds including the vacant old staff building.

The spa and Torbay Suite are isolated from the main hotel and the frontage is compromised by service access and parking with large vehicles turning at the hotel entrance. The varied extensions to the seaward elevation impact on the availability of natural light and has resulted in a significant loss of external terracing at ground floor level.

While a number of internal spaces still retain the styling and proportions of the Victorian hotel, the elegant grandeur of the original buildings’ exterior is no longer recognisable.

Since the purchase by Andrew Brownsword Hotels in 2016 the hotel has undergone a series of improvements and upgrades. Now significant investment is required to address underlying problems and bring the hotel up to the standard befitting of its exceptional location and historic status.


Above: View of existing hotel site and wider context (Image: Google Earth)

Above: View of existing hotel site (Image: Google Earth)

Above: View of existing hotel site (Image: Google Earth)



